The Clients

In 2014, I got a chance to work in Uganda, managing a small hotel near the Victoria Lake, serving seven families with thirteen maids and security guards. The employees were local blacks, always giggling like happy kids. They were religious. No matter Moslem or Christian, they sticked to prayers regularly.

Our clients were African, Russian, Kosovo, Indian and Filipine. They were all contracted in UN for certain projects, diversified only in positions like official, clerk, electrician, and guard. They were definite smugs, who had behaved themselves like a cock of the dunghill. They would bother us with some unreasonable requests that had been beyond our responsibilities: clean my kitchen table, water my flowers, rush the cats, fetch my ball in the water, etc. They never used their own hands rather than their mouths in case of a need.

One of the families were of a Kosovo man, an Indian woman and their two sons. They were Moslems. The Kosovo guy was a cigar smoking Haji, and dressed up like a boy with shorts around the hotel. He once carried his gun back to the hotel in order to threaten our guards, claiming to shoot them for he had also found some of them sleeping on duty at night. Like a routine, he was used to spit out of the widown from a UN jeep after he entered the gate. He would shout abuse whenever his parking space, marked "PRESERVED", was occupied by Chief of Uganda Immigration Office. His wife was Indian, a critical and snobbish witch. She was always complaining about something shortly after she came back home. During my charge over the hotel, she had changed a refrigerator, a barstool, an electrical fan, wooden floor, and all the pictures in her corridors and rooms. She would ask for noodles against my warning, which was left by my former and not halal for Moslems. She never used gas to cook ,whose pettiness annoyed my boss a lot, even though electricity was free for the clients. Their sons were real jin, big-eyed elves, who were always trying to kick something or somebody.



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