Hilary Clinton's Revenge

Hilary Clinton might have become revengeful after a joke I played on her with the help of Travor Grimshore, an English teacher of mine in 1999. The very idea did frighten me to the last breath.

I met Hilary Clinton in the corridor before my dorm one night, when I was a student of UIBE, University of International Business and Economics. I had been curious about analysing the situation of the global warfares and financial affairs. This aroused the attention of the Authorities of China, USA, Japan, Russa, Germany, whose presidents all assembled in Beijing for a visit of me. I told them that I could predict the result of Kosovo war, the Wen-Chuan Earthquake, the Attack of the American 911, the Japanese Tsunami, and the seven comets shooting the Mars, and the explosion of the Russian nuke. Sadly, I failed to convince them of my magic, and only turned out to be a traitor, terrorist, and maniac.

Before they came across, Hilary Clinton must have already known my English teacher. He had been blamed for espionage in the university. But he was ok with us students, for he was good at teaching English with knowledge of didactics. He often amused us with his nose. When he reached rather near face to face, his nose appeared to be uncommonly long.

As stupid as Angela Merkel had called me, I treated Hilary Clinton arrogantly. Moreover, my gossip about her husband's scandal might have challenged Hilary Clinton to take a revenge on me. One night, after Hilary called me bitch rather than angel, I commanded Travor to sharpen his nose and peck her eyes, while I was floating in the air. He did so, and pretended to be a big birdie with his hands on the back. Accordingly, Hilary tried to lurch. From then on, Hilary had been wearing a pair of sunglasses in despite of my teasing her eyesight.

Due to such a conflict, I almost met my doom one night when I was awakened only to find myself lying on the floor with a grave pain in my eyes and abdomen. I rolled there holding both my eyes and crying for mercy. I have been doubting who was the real crimer. Was it Hilary Clinton or Wu-Yi, the former Prime Minister of China? Was it possible that Wu-Yi had condemned me on purpose in order to pass the buck to Hilary Clinton? I am waiting for their answers.


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