
Showing posts from 2015



Being an "Over"

We are chinesized Uigur-Deutsh Moslem people, living in Ning-xia Hui Autonomous Region of China, a municipality in the west of the country. We were said to be the Aryan that Nazi Germany had been looking for in World War II. It has taken me many years to find out our origin, mainly through the linguistic analysis and comparison of our colloquial vocabulary. Due to the compulsory chinesization under the authority of Ming Dynasty, there are only few words inherited in our daily speeches. The German "Nein" is the most popular word, and widely used, while "Jawohl" is less favored. Not until recently when I heard "over" from a colleague of mine did I realize the word is both used in English and our language. However, "over" sounds like a person unwanted to our ears. It is so offensive that only one's elders are allowed to abuse some youngster with it. This word also reminded me of a fellow who had drunken alkohol before Angela Merkel and ...

Being an "Over"

We are chinesized Uigur-Deutsh Moslem people, living in Ning-xia Hui Autonomous Region of China, a municipality in the west of the country. We were said to be the Aryan that Nazi Germany had been looking for in World War II. It has taken me many years to find out our origin, mainly through the linguistic analysis and comparison of our colloquial vocabulary. Due to the compulsory chinesization under the authority of Ming Dynasty, there are only few words inherited in our daily speeches. The German "Nein" is the most popular word, and widely used, while "Jawohl" is less favored. Not until recently when I heard "over" from a colleague of mine did I realize the word is both used in English and our language. However, "over" sounds like a person unwanted to our ears. It is so offensive that only one's elders are allowed to abuse some youngster with it. This word also reminded me of a fellow who had drunken alkohol before Angela Merkel and Hillary C...

The hospitality of Hillary Clinton

During her days visiting me before my dorm along with Mrs. Merkel, Mrs. Hillary Clinton played a joke on me one night, when she amused herself asking me if I liked putin and rice. I was shocked by her, who was smiling like a Cheshire cat. I told her that I was not hungry at all and wondered why she had to ask me about that. "It is aweful to eat putin and rice together" I said. My claim turned out to be amusing enough when I heard her laughing out with the rest. Just then, I saw Vladimir Putin and Condoleezza Rice coming out of a dorm, bending as they appeared before me. Suddenly, I realized why Mrs. Clinton had joked like that. Mr. Putin came to me and tried his best to turn me around while I was floating in the air like an astronaut. Mrs. Rice kept cold and said nothing. Mrs. Clinton had been raising her head high even when my English teacher, an American Chinese, Mrs. Chen Ye, complained to her that the American government had been always hiding certain secrets about alie...

Aryan or Dr.Fu Manchu

It was also one night in UIBE in 1999 that many stories of this kind took place. Angela Dorothea Merkel called me Dr. Fu Manchu in panic, when I came into the corridor out of my dorm and found her accompanied by Wu Yi, Hillary Clinton, ?Pratibha Patil?, Fukuda Yasuo, Vladimir Putin, Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev and Tsahiagiin Elbegdorj. By then, I had got involved in a millennial conjecture about the Aryan race, who were the magic people that Adolf Hitler had been striving for during the Second World War. As a suspected descendant, I became the focus of a new battel among the international politicians. I felt innocent when Mrs. Merkel called me stupid, because all that I had dreamt for was only a reward for the prediction of Wen Chuan Earthquake. It was twelve hundred million RMB, whose amount Mrs. Wu Yi contemned as "Real cheapie!". She claimed that the fame of the seismic forecasting belonged to her own people. Actually, the Chinese tortured m...

Putin's request

For many times, I have mentioned the duty of a housewife to Hillary Clinton, so that I could mock her bitterly enough to remind of her husband's scandal. I asked her how often she had usually cooked for her husband at home. Even though she refused to say anything, I could see her great depression through her sun-glasses, whenever I stressed the surname of her husband. One night, in the corridor before my dorm, Hillary smiled and said to me, :"Do you like putt-ing?" Her question surprised me, because her putt-ing sounded like pudding, which I had never tasted. She almost laughed out when I told her "I am not hungery. What do you mean?" Just then, a man bent over to walk before appearing before us. It was Vladimir Putin. He had hidden in another dorm next to mine. He shocked me when I recognized him. Putin almost rushed to me and tried to pull me down when I was asking their pardon of floating in the air like sitting. During the pro...

UN disappointed me

You would never know how UN looks like unless you see it in Africa. In Uganda, there was a camping ground of UN near Entebbe International Airport, where I caught a glimpse of the multi- national organization.It looked like a site for some storehouses with a brick wall fence. Its legendary miracles were blasted after an unhappy contact with some of its employees in a guest house where I had worked as a hotel manager. The clients, living with their family, combined three Kosovars, three Indians, one Philippine, one Russian, and one African. They shocked me when I realised that UN might be another melting pot.Their visitors contained even Chinese and Indonesians. All of those UN guys were bossy in various degree. Mrs. Indian was a riddle, additionally snobbish and demanding. She would call me to her before the door, and shout her orders with the arms across the chest. Mr. Kosovar was a security guard, dominantly accoutred with a pistol in the yard. He would r...

The Chinese Presents for Hillary Clinton

In 1999, when I showed miracles before the great leaders of this world, the Chinese government had presented USA with Me along with my brains. Accurately, Hillary Clinton picked my brains with the help of Wu-Yi, the Vice Premier of China. The song that I had sung before Hillary Clinton and Angela Dorothea Merkel,are now scattered across Britain and USA. They are including "Only Time" by Enya, "Baraka Allahu Lakuma" by Maher Zain, "An Angel" by Declan Galbraith. Even my pure music, Moonlight bay by Bandari, which I had hummed before the 2008 Wen-Chuan Earthquake, was stolen by an American family teaching English in Ning-Xia, whose boy I had called Goody Micheal. The design of the new-type tiltrotors was handed to an American Officer by me in person, when Wu-Yi refused to develope it in China.She had called my plan "useless". A third present for Hilary that I might recall now is a prototype drug, called eCD4-Ig, which ...

The Fall of the Chinese Corporation Culture

People whoever work with any Chinese might find these dragons' offspring to be harsh, especially when the Chinese language causes no barrier to either side. It is sarcastic enough that the Chinese would call themselves as "Dragons' Offspring", while the whole world know them as the hypocrites for comity. Sooner or later, you will notice that the spirit of the Chinese corporation culture is focused on bribery. Any failure in bribery could lead to sadness in your business with certain Chinese. In order to smooth the relationship, a Chinese first presents you with something. It is either food or trinkets, which might surprise you charmingly. The knickknacks you get could be everything, ranging from a cup to a towel, or only an apple. Your gratitude is the achievement of your Chinese benefactors. It is an investment of theirs, where they hope to reap in lots. Whenever their status in your society becomes upper, they would appear like misers. The turning point could chan...

The Chinese Hatred

How long can you hate someone? What do you do for your hatred toward someone? These were the questions I had bothered my colleagues with after a visit to Summer Palace, which was destroyed by the Eight-Power Allied Forces in 1900. My Chinese fellows answered "It depends."   It is slippery of the Chinese to say so, since they are always being roundabout. In my opinion, the Chinese can hate their own enemies for hundreds of years, and they build monuments, museums and even parks to remind themselves of the hatred. They hate the Hui-Hui moslems for the riots in the Qing dynasty, and they have called us THIEVES for more than a hundred years; they hate the Japanese for the invasion in WW II, and they have ever called them SMALL GHOSTS with lots of momuments, museums built to memorize the hate. Logically, the nickname of the Europeans is OVERSEA GHOSTS; the Africans, BLACK GHOSTS; the Indians, Number 3; the Koreans, CORN EARS.   The hate toward their enemies is leading the Chin...

Hilary Clinton's Revenge

Hilary Clinton might have become revengeful after a joke I played on her with the help of Travor Grimshore, an English teacher of mine in 1999. The very idea did frighten me to the last breath. I met Hilary Clinton in the corridor before my dorm one night, when I was a student of UIBE, University of International Business and Economics. I had been curious about analysing the situation of the global warfares and financial affairs. This aroused the attention of the Authorities of China, USA, Japan, Russa, Germany, whose presidents all assembled in Beijing for a visit of me. I told them that I could predict the result of Kosovo war, the Wen-Chuan Earthquake, the Attack of the American 911, the Japanese Tsunami, and the seven comets shooting the Mars, and the explosion of the Russian nuke. Sadly, I failed to convince them of my magic, and only turned out to be a traitor, terrorist, and maniac. Before they came across, Hilary Clinton must have already known my English teacher. He had been...


我给吴老太太再次告状,说这些所谓的学生会主席,学生会干部,班干部们都在宿舍里干些什么: 一天中午12点,刚上完课,我嫌那米粒大的回民食堂人满为患,就先回了宿舍。大中午地,宿舍门却半掩着,我推开门走了进去。那一幕惊呆了我,近16年后的今天,我还是感到那场面夸张。只见邻近几个宿舍里的五六个同学和我们的大鼻子欧罗巴/刘延祥/刘大女人围坐在两张桌子旁,在打扑克牌;他们一个个赤身裸体,鸡吧肿胀端在两腿间,脑门上还都贴着长长短短的白色纸条。宿舍里一片狼籍,却有一股熏人的五香瓜子味!那黑黑的水泥地上覆盖着一层厚厚的瓜子壳,踩上去恍若林间、如履松针,在脚下喀嚓乱响 ...... 吴老太太听得神慌,趔趄身子,骂道:"你胡说,你放屁!" 大鼻子妓女刘的大鸡吧何等夸张,竟然能弯到身后,插进他自己的屁眼里!有一次,他当着众人的面,崛起屁股出来见人,给大家展示他屁眼里的精液。问他是谁的,他回答:"不是你的!" 作为单身女人的辅导员张,对于刘屁眼这把敢在女同学面前露阴茎的双刃刀非常护短;不管他是对还是错,面对控诉,她悠然自得,双手抱胸躺在椅子里,暗自发笑! 宝宝的进口奶粉纸尿裤,1元全包了

Chinese Investment in Africa

It is said that the Chinese would make a province out of Japan. The rumor is quite known in Africa, and a similar worry troulbles the people of different tribes, who have been dreaming to modernize their own countries with the help of the Chinese. In Uganda, a riot had almost arisen when in 2014 news said that 12 Ugandan were sentenced to death for delivering drug in China. Colonization is one of the explanations that some Africans would like to draw our attention to. The word does make clear why there are so many Chinese rushing in Africa and other areas of the world. But it can not explicate the difference between the Indian and the Chinese, the former dwelling in Africa like a new tribe while the later only investing there. In Kampala, I met a Chinese girl from He Nan Province, dealing imports for our boss, Mr. Lou, who is already Ugandan in citizenship. She proudly showed me with an old copy of the local newspaper where her photos and illegal dealing were printed. She had sta...

Chinese Hospitality

The Chinese use hospitality as a weapon to puzzle their potential competitors. They might smile as sweetly as a flower in full blossom, only to disguise their true intention of observing you. If your background is lower than their expectation, they would put on air immediately; moreover, they would even trample you down the social ladder, if you turn out to be useless to them. In Uganda, a black girl, who helped our chef in the kitchen, begged me not to "change". She complained that all the Chinese were friendly to her in the beginning when they just came to Uganda; however, later, she said, they would treat her as a real slave without any real communication, only dropping orders like "do this, do that".

The Clients

In 2014, I got a chance to work in Uganda, managing a small hotel near the Victoria Lake, serving seven families with thirteen maids and security guards. The employees were local blacks, always giggling like happy kids. They were religious. No matter Moslem or Christian, they sticked to prayers regularly. Our clients were African, Russian, Kosovo, Indian and Filipine. They were all contracted in UN for certain projects, diversified only in positions like official, clerk, electrician, and guard. They were definite smugs, who had behaved themselves like a cock of the dunghill. They would bother us with some unreasonable requests that had been beyond our responsibilities: clean my kitchen table, water my flowers, rush the cats, fetch my ball in the water, etc. They never used their own hands rather than their mouths in case of a need. One of the families were of a Kosovo man, an Indian woman and their two sons. They were Moslems. The Kosovo guy was a cigar smoking Haji, and dressed up lik...


It seems to me that Americans care about gossip more than their own fame. This feeling comes from my experiences with some travellers and teachers I have ever met. They bothered me with questions about my attitude toward their people and country. Certain requirements were so aggressive that even got me anguished. The first challenge, also the most boring one, is "Do you like Americans?" I feel hopeless with this desperate beginning of any conversation that I might come across somewhere. If I were your God or President, I would answer it with "Yes" or "No". In case they are not satisfied with this result, they would continue with a second one: "Do you hate me?" How stupid it is to disturb this way, why do I have to do it since I would never meet you again? Your standpoint appears to be so important in their judgement of themselves. They do not pay attention to the influence thay they could leave to their listeners. In 2014, at the airport of Dubai...

Evil Spirit

At last, whenever Hilary Clinton attemped to elude me, she would wear a pair of sun glasses to hide her true feeling behind them. In certain cases, when I reminded her of her family skeleton on purpose, she would raise her head high.

My Duschman father

My father is Ui-ui or Uigur, and so am I. Moreover, we are the direct descendants of the female Dutch who were seized to China as prisoners of war by the Mongolian Army about 800 years ago, when the crusaders rushed to the Middle East for a war with the local muslims. And so, out of prank, I call my father Duschman as my people would do in case they are somehow annoyed with a family member. Duschman is Dutchman in English, and pronounced as it is spelt: Do-sch-man. My father knows the difference between the Chinese and us, but he is afraid to admit it. His worry comes from the assimilation policy of the past and present Chinese Authorities, who deny the origin of my people from Uigur. They want us to assimilate into Chinese completely. My father was a member of the Communist Party of China. Though proud of being one, he unconsciously taught us, his children to speak his own language. One of the words that has confused me of its origin is "Klimasa", w...

An economic prediction

Ever since April 2015, there have been enought cries and hurray along with the stock market turbulence. In my office, the temperamental turbulence makes many stockholders restless like an ant on a hot pan. They have rushed into the stock market since 2008 with a dream of being parvenus over one night. At this point, the unpredictable undulation of stock trading implies an economic crisis, which is the conviction of some economists who hold a negative attitude towards the financial tendency of China. In their opinion, the crisis might last from 2015 through 2017.

The Graphic Topology of Linguistics


My Understanding of the Chinese Friendship

In China, there has never existed any concept of friendship, which is so plain and rather evident. It is supplanted by "Guan Shi", which is nice and abstract to the "pragmatic" Chinese people. "Guan Shi" is relationship in English, and an unspoken rule in China. It has nothing to do with bribery originally, but ultimately it takes root in bribery and becomes prosperous among the Chinese at all levels. The average of the Chinese make it a rule to give and take small gifts. If anyone ignores the importance of their "etiquette", they would pull a long face at the minimum; and at the maximum, in the case that you request them for a favor, they would quarrel and even fight with you, calling you names! It is not necessary to bribe them all the time. However, it is significent to smoothen relationship frequently, because "Guan Shi" goes sour quickly in China! What a Chinese might give in order to be "friendly" are...

The stupid war with a stupid excuse

It is difficult to keep silent with some Chinese without complaining about their racist attitude towards all the islamic groups of people dwelling in China. It is extremely annoying when they mention the Shan Gan Hui Uprising that took place between 1862 and 1873, and label the Chinese Hui ethnic minority as "thieves"! The riot started due to a disputation between a Hui man who refused to change the price of the bamboos sold by a Chinese man, and the Chinese man's father who refused to sell his bamboos cheaply. A mishap exploded when Zuo Zongtang and his fellow officials misjudged the case and the following pretest, convicting the whole Hui people of rebellion, stigmatizing Hui as thieves. Zuo Zongtang waged a war on Hui people. Under his command, the Chinese army carried out a bloody purge of all the islamic peoples including Hui. The survivals of the war fled into the mountainous northwest of China and certain foreign countries like Kazakhstan. It is cruel of the Chines...


电视剧《于无声处》最近还在热播。我发现主人公马东家的客厅里,靠近餐桌背后的墙上,尽然挂的是穆斯林用来装饰用的小挂毯;绿底金字,可把我吓着了!这是说谁呢,这主人公到底是谁?含沙射影! 想想片子里的几个人物:马东、马承志、陈其乾。如果把这三个人物合起来,指的是谁呀?把一个人,按能力分成了马东、马承志,按阵营分成了马东、陈其乾,按血缘分成了马承志、陈其乾。 我希望这个社会还能给我一丝温暖,让我还能有点用武之地!我现在不是被你们弄成了安保人员了吗?!我还能干什么?是不是看看门,值值班,发发牢骚,也能把你们弄得不自在?


人事处原处长马玉龙对我不吃不喝感到不快,气不过,牛气哄哄地说:"人是社会性动物,和你想的不一样!" 当下,就算是在学校,只要大小是个官,就敢这样张口要,闭口拿;这帮贪官,一个个脂肪肝、糖尿病、心脏病,还不自律,想拿就拿,想吃就吃。这些狗官就是遭贼入室盗窃,也不敢深究深查,就怕说不出家中的古玩字画是哪里来的,反被当局当受贿查办了。 他们尸位素餐,酒囊饭袋,无德无能。凭什么他们能当官,凭什么他们整天无忧无虑无所事事,凭什么他们天南地北地旅游、公款考察?这些人, 他们张嘴,就是标准,就是法规,就是校纪校规;让他们做做我们的工作,他们会什么,什么都不会!他们每天的闲来无事,就琢磨怎么升官发财,怎么勾心斗角,怎么祸害一方! 事业单位早应该改革,好让我们这些"胸无大志"的书呆子能换换环境,免受狗官们的虐待,甚至被蚕食的命运。最大的大官,你就快点改革吧!

The Origin of Hui-hui

It was largely publicized by the Chinese that the people of Hui-hui, an ethic minority living only  in China, had been diverged from some Islamic nationalities in the Middle east, like Arabian,   Persian and so on. As a member of this people, I do not agree with this kind of opinion because it  makes us sound like mongrels. Actually, we are a pure people with the tribal name "Hui-hui"  inherited from our patrilineal ancestors; we speak a language invented by our matrilineal  ancestors, who had combined the official language of China with their own; we pray to Allah like  our forefathers and eat bread like our foremothers. Our patrilineal ancestors were brothers of the Uyghur people, a Turkic ethnic group living  primarily in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in China. The word Uyghur is similar to  the name we call ourselves, Huihui, which is the Chinese assimilation of  Uyghur by literal  translation. There are many other words shar...


99年上学的时候,有一天,伟大的领袖、人民的慈母来了兴趣,问我是否我喜欢诗琳通公主,如果喜欢的话,她去给我说。我又气又羞,对她说:"我给你个大嘴巴子!你难道不知道我和她的年龄相差多少?!" ‍

The Chinese artists for examing my honesty

I have never known until recently the exact reason why Ms. Wu Yi took so many Chinsese film stars to my dorm. She did that after I was taken , for examing my honesty,  to see the top scientist of China, Qian Xue Sheng by Wu Jin Tao, the former Chairman of China. She must have thought that I was no more than a player and cheated her with certain performances, because I did sing a few songs before her. She brought to my dorm even political tycoons like Hilary Clinton, Angela Merkel and Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. They all had heard my songs and took some from me as their own. Mr. Putin gave "Stop! Stop! Stop" to Nu Virgos. Ms. Clinton presented Whitney Houston with "When You Believe", and Enya with "Only Time". When I met with the prince of Japan in 1999, he asked me to sing a song to him and it was "On Your Mark". I live on the land where an ancient people called Tangut had built a nation before they were vanished one thousand years ago. Now I a...

Reproduction Worship

Hilary Clinton took a handicraft out of her bag and asked me to tell her about the gift that she had received from Wu Yi. It was called "Ru Yi" in Chinese, and made of dark brown wood. Wu Yi proudly said it was of padauk. Hilary Clinton wondered what a thing of that kind originated from. I asked her to hold it with both of her hands and put it between her legs. She did so and looked amused like a man with an erection. I told her it stood for male genitals.