The Origin of Hui-hui

It was largely publicized by the Chinese that the people of Hui-hui, an ethic minority living only 

in China, had been diverged from some Islamic nationalities in the Middle east, like Arabian,  

Persian and so on. As a member of this people, I do not agree with this kind of opinion because it 

makes us sound like mongrels. Actually, we are a pure people with the tribal name "Hui-hui" 

inherited from our patrilineal ancestors; we speak a language invented by our matrilineal 

ancestors, who had combined the official language of China with their own; we pray to Allah like 

our forefathers and eat bread like our foremothers.

Our patrilineal ancestors were brothers of the Uyghur people, a Turkic ethnic group living 

primarily in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in China. The word Uyghur is similar to 

the name we call ourselves, Huihui, which is the Chinese assimilation of  Uyghur by literal 

translation. There are many other words shared by both Uyghur and Hui-hui, like Ghuda which 

means God, Dada which means Dad, Pishti which means rotten or burnt.

Our matrilineal ancestors came from several nationalities like Uyghur, Chinese, Tangut, 

Mongolian, and even German, who have formed my people into diverse figures and colors, 

scattered from place to place. In my hometown, Tongxin, there are a few blond people among us. 

Our mother tongure is different from any other one spoken by outsiders, due to a handful of 

borrowed words from German. The German words like Jawohl and Nein are the most known. 

Popular in our lanuage are the words of -sh family, like Jewish, Huish, Luish, Mish, 

Dyedamaish; the words of -usm family, like Chabalusyem which means cabalism, Gadlusyem 

which means sissiness. The translated words and phrases are also used, like high house which is 

Gao Fangzi in Chinese and Hochhaus in German.

Tongxin, pronounced as Tung Shin, is my hometown. It was once governed by the Tangut people 

700 years ago, where our forefathers and foremother had been taken as prisoners of war by 

Attilar's soldiers. One of Attilar's descendants, Ananda, built an Islamic nation in Tangu and 

converted his followers to Islam. Ever since, our ancestors began to pray to Allah and passed 

down their religion to us.

If you could come to visit us in my hometown, please pay attention to our food. Bread is the 

specail one, which we call Kung momo, which means baked cakes.


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