China must change its language policy

An article at, saying China moves to ban Use of Uyghur Language in School, came into my view on August 2, 2017.

Actually, in 1999, when Wu Yi, the former Premier of the State Council, inspected me in my dormitory at UIBE to see if I was a spy, she once felt surprised about my Chinese knowledge and claimed that one's mother tognue was always eloquent. Interestingly, she burst into yelling and called me names shortly after I told her that Chinese is my first language, rather than my native one.

As I have found out, China has been internationally playing the role of a hypocrite since after the Second World War. On one hand, China is always boasting about its political tolerence for ethnic minorities. On the other hand, China is always lying about its language policy to ethnic minorities. Moreover, China is always acting as a victim of the Japanese Invesion War, but never thinks of apologizing for its own past wars on Chinese ethnic minorities. Finally, China is always neglecting the torments suffered by the ordinary people of North Korea, and makes us believe that China dreams to adopt North Korea as another province.

Unfortunately, China is interiorly a domineering ruler who deprives its citizens of the rights written in its constitution, even though China's constitution says "the people of all nationalities have the freedom to use and develop their own spoken and written languages."

It is my wish that China could recognize its mistakes and makes friends with not only its own ethnic minorities but also all peoples in the world.


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