
Showing posts from August, 2015

The Fall of the Chinese Corporation Culture

People whoever work with any Chinese might find these dragons' offspring to be harsh, especially when the Chinese language causes no barrier to either side. It is sarcastic enough that the Chinese would call themselves as "Dragons' Offspring", while the whole world know them as the hypocrites for comity. Sooner or later, you will notice that the spirit of the Chinese corporation culture is focused on bribery. Any failure in bribery could lead to sadness in your business with certain Chinese. In order to smooth the relationship, a Chinese first presents you with something. It is either food or trinkets, which might surprise you charmingly. The knickknacks you get could be everything, ranging from a cup to a towel, or only an apple. Your gratitude is the achievement of your Chinese benefactors. It is an investment of theirs, where they hope to reap in lots. Whenever their status in your society becomes upper, they would appear like misers. The turning point could chan...

The Chinese Hatred

How long can you hate someone? What do you do for your hatred toward someone? These were the questions I had bothered my colleagues with after a visit to Summer Palace, which was destroyed by the Eight-Power Allied Forces in 1900. My Chinese fellows answered "It depends."   It is slippery of the Chinese to say so, since they are always being roundabout. In my opinion, the Chinese can hate their own enemies for hundreds of years, and they build monuments, museums and even parks to remind themselves of the hatred. They hate the Hui-Hui moslems for the riots in the Qing dynasty, and they have called us THIEVES for more than a hundred years; they hate the Japanese for the invasion in WW II, and they have ever called them SMALL GHOSTS with lots of momuments, museums built to memorize the hate. Logically, the nickname of the Europeans is OVERSEA GHOSTS; the Africans, BLACK GHOSTS; the Indians, Number 3; the Koreans, CORN EARS.   The hate toward their enemies is leading the Chin...

Hilary Clinton's Revenge

Hilary Clinton might have become revengeful after a joke I played on her with the help of Travor Grimshore, an English teacher of mine in 1999. The very idea did frighten me to the last breath. I met Hilary Clinton in the corridor before my dorm one night, when I was a student of UIBE, University of International Business and Economics. I had been curious about analysing the situation of the global warfares and financial affairs. This aroused the attention of the Authorities of China, USA, Japan, Russa, Germany, whose presidents all assembled in Beijing for a visit of me. I told them that I could predict the result of Kosovo war, the Wen-Chuan Earthquake, the Attack of the American 911, the Japanese Tsunami, and the seven comets shooting the Mars, and the explosion of the Russian nuke. Sadly, I failed to convince them of my magic, and only turned out to be a traitor, terrorist, and maniac. Before they came across, Hilary Clinton must have already known my English teacher. He had been...


我给吴老太太再次告状,说这些所谓的学生会主席,学生会干部,班干部们都在宿舍里干些什么: 一天中午12点,刚上完课,我嫌那米粒大的回民食堂人满为患,就先回了宿舍。大中午地,宿舍门却半掩着,我推开门走了进去。那一幕惊呆了我,近16年后的今天,我还是感到那场面夸张。只见邻近几个宿舍里的五六个同学和我们的大鼻子欧罗巴/刘延祥/刘大女人围坐在两张桌子旁,在打扑克牌;他们一个个赤身裸体,鸡吧肿胀端在两腿间,脑门上还都贴着长长短短的白色纸条。宿舍里一片狼籍,却有一股熏人的五香瓜子味!那黑黑的水泥地上覆盖着一层厚厚的瓜子壳,踩上去恍若林间、如履松针,在脚下喀嚓乱响 ...... 吴老太太听得神慌,趔趄身子,骂道:"你胡说,你放屁!" 大鼻子妓女刘的大鸡吧何等夸张,竟然能弯到身后,插进他自己的屁眼里!有一次,他当着众人的面,崛起屁股出来见人,给大家展示他屁眼里的精液。问他是谁的,他回答:"不是你的!" 作为单身女人的辅导员张,对于刘屁眼这把敢在女同学面前露阴茎的双刃刀非常护短;不管他是对还是错,面对控诉,她悠然自得,双手抱胸躺在椅子里,暗自发笑! 宝宝的进口奶粉纸尿裤,1元全包了

Chinese Investment in Africa

It is said that the Chinese would make a province out of Japan. The rumor is quite known in Africa, and a similar worry troulbles the people of different tribes, who have been dreaming to modernize their own countries with the help of the Chinese. In Uganda, a riot had almost arisen when in 2014 news said that 12 Ugandan were sentenced to death for delivering drug in China. Colonization is one of the explanations that some Africans would like to draw our attention to. The word does make clear why there are so many Chinese rushing in Africa and other areas of the world. But it can not explicate the difference between the Indian and the Chinese, the former dwelling in Africa like a new tribe while the later only investing there. In Kampala, I met a Chinese girl from He Nan Province, dealing imports for our boss, Mr. Lou, who is already Ugandan in citizenship. She proudly showed me with an old copy of the local newspaper where her photos and illegal dealing were printed. She had sta...

Chinese Hospitality

The Chinese use hospitality as a weapon to puzzle their potential competitors. They might smile as sweetly as a flower in full blossom, only to disguise their true intention of observing you. If your background is lower than their expectation, they would put on air immediately; moreover, they would even trample you down the social ladder, if you turn out to be useless to them. In Uganda, a black girl, who helped our chef in the kitchen, begged me not to "change". She complained that all the Chinese were friendly to her in the beginning when they just came to Uganda; however, later, she said, they would treat her as a real slave without any real communication, only dropping orders like "do this, do that".

The Clients

In 2014, I got a chance to work in Uganda, managing a small hotel near the Victoria Lake, serving seven families with thirteen maids and security guards. The employees were local blacks, always giggling like happy kids. They were religious. No matter Moslem or Christian, they sticked to prayers regularly. Our clients were African, Russian, Kosovo, Indian and Filipine. They were all contracted in UN for certain projects, diversified only in positions like official, clerk, electrician, and guard. They were definite smugs, who had behaved themselves like a cock of the dunghill. They would bother us with some unreasonable requests that had been beyond our responsibilities: clean my kitchen table, water my flowers, rush the cats, fetch my ball in the water, etc. They never used their own hands rather than their mouths in case of a need. One of the families were of a Kosovo man, an Indian woman and their two sons. They were Moslems. The Kosovo guy was a cigar smoking Haji, and dressed up lik...