
Showing posts from 2017

I am not a gold-brick

When my director took a walk with us around the campus where I work, he asked me if I had taught everything that I knew to my students, obviously doubting my loyalty to my job. I did not answer him directly, but drew his attention to himself by asking him how he, as a child, loved the food cooked by his own mother. He said "Very much" without any hesitation. I continued to ask him if he had ever complained about the home-made dishes with requests for a king's cuisine. He said "No" smilingly, seemingly guessing my plan. I explained that was my case. If my students had asked me for a king's service without a king-sized pay, there was nothing more than normal teaching that I could supply them with. The same kind of story had happened again when a friend of mine grumbled about my meanness. He complained that I seldom treated him. I, as a return, asked him why he had never remitted some money to me but a net friend, with whom he was together for no more than s...

The two encounters with Nicolas Sarkozy

On one morning September in 1995, I walked with Mom and Himmel, looking for a travel agent along the pavement before Meridian Gate of Forbidden Palace in Beijing. All of a sudden, I saw Nicolas Sarkozy walking along nearby with a handful of bodyguards surrounded. I told my mother to check quickly. Then I shouted at my brother, since he had left us far behind after a small quarrel about our journey. "Himmel, Klima sah!" On the moment, Mr. Sarkozy noticed us and turned around to stop me with a hey, smiling like Mona Lisa. Without any hesitation, he began with one question and another. "Est-ce que tu parles Français?" "Un peu" I said, thanks to my curiosity about languages since junior high school. "Do you speak English?" "Yes, it is going to be my major in college in four years." I answered proudly. "Do you like French?" "Yes, I do. That is why I can speak a little." "What is your name?" "Duh...

The two encounters with Nicolas Sarkozy

In September in 1995, I walked with Mom and Himmel one morning, looking for a travel agent along the pavement before Meridian Gate of Forbidden Palace in Beijing. All of a sudden, I saw Nicolas Sarkozy walking along nearby with a handful of bodyguards surrrounded. I told my mother to check quickly. Then I shouted at my brother, since he had left us far behind after a small quarel about our journey. "Himmel, Klima sah!" On the moment, Mr. Sarkozy noticed us and turned around to stop me with a hey, smiling like Mona Lisa. Without any hesitation, he began with one question and another. "Est-ce que tu parles Français?" "Un peu" I said, thanks to my curiosity about languages since junior high school "Do you speak English?" "Yes, it is going to be my major in college in four years." I answered proudly. "Do you like French?" "Yes, I do. That is why I can speak a little." "What is your name?" "Duhsch-Kufu...

Why I am a weirdo

I have always felt like a foreigner who scrapes along hardly with the people that I do not like all my life living in China. It is parties that trouble me so much that I can not escape from being eccentric, especially the ones either for the wedding of one's families and for the first month of a newborn babies. Actually, almost all Chinese parties are not free at all. Traditionally, guests at party are encouraged to "eat more", the platitude that are repeated by hosts as a sign of hospitality; however, not all of the invited are happy to hear the encouragement, because they might fail to give a party of their own. If they do not have a chance to win their money back, they would lose money. After a party, guests are expected to leave a certain mount of money to the host as investment. The host must write down each sum so that he could pay it back whenever they are invited. It is the investment, or exchange of money, that get Chinese people "united". Due to the...

The Unforgettable hurt on me


The revenges of the old on the young in China

China boasts of  being an ancient country and civilized state, with a tradition that old people have precedence over young people in public transit. Distasting the convention, most young people are fond of seats in the back of a bus, so that they need not resign their seats to old passengers. And the old travelers, familiar of the political slogan, are habitually to find seats in the back whenever a front one is not available in the front. A few stories had mushroomed after a teenager refused to give up his or hers. At 4:30 on 9th September 2014, in Zhengzhou, in a 919 bus to Central Plain Road, after four slaps onto a boy, an old man dropped dead due to a heart attack at Qinling Road intersection. On the evening of 6th June 2017, in Changzhou, in a 43 bus, an 70 years old man forced to kiss a 10 years old girl. On 18th September 2015, in an elevator, an old woman forced to kiss a schoolboy for nothing. These scandals have definitely ruined the efforts of the Chinese Communist Part...

The encounter with Angela Merkel

when I came out of the room on one night in 1999 into the corridor before my dormitory at UIBE, I saw an alien woman keeping her back to me, and got amused to recognise her as Angela Merkel as soon as she turned around for a second. How interesting it was to meet three women politicos all together, I thought, when a Chinese proverb came into my mind, which is "Three women make a drama." As I said it out, I began to float like angel in the air, even though Wu Yi, at that moment, spat loudly and cursed "I fuck your mother!" with a snort first. Surprised though, Angela Merkel looked unhappy as she turned around for another second. why Angela Merkel was so arrogent to an godlike man like me, I wondered at first thought and asked Hillary Clinton if she thought I was an angel. Since Hillary refused to admit that I was one, I appealed to all the roommates around to shout slogans with me. Sunddely, "Jawohl! Jawohl! Jawohl!" Almost with one accord, the chor...

China must change its language policy

An article at , saying China moves to ban Use of Uyghur Language in School, came into my view on August 2, 2017. Actually, in 1999, when Wu Yi, the former Premier of the State Council, inspected me in my dormitory at UIBE to see if I was a spy, she once felt surprised about my Chinese knowledge and claimed that one's mother tognue was always eloquent. Interestingly, she burst into yelling and called me names shortly after I told her that Chinese is my first language, rather than my native one. As I have found out, China has been internationally playing the role of a hypocrite since after the Second World War. On one hand, China is always boasting about its political tolerence for ethnic minorities. On the other hand, China is always lying about its language policy to ethnic minorities. Moreover, China is always acting as a victim of the Japanese Invesion War, but never thinks of apologizing for its own past wars on Chinese ethnic minorities. Finall...




在我看来,我们的党是"枪杆子里出政权,其它的靠偷、靠抢、靠剽窃"。1999年,在对外经济贸易大学宿舍楼211房间门里门外发生的那些事,使我对这样的看法深信不疑。 吴仪作为国家领袖的一员,不为苍生着想,却带头抢夺我的科技价值和文化价值。她还伙同希拉里、默克尔、福田康夫、普京共同抢劫我的生物学价值。他们抽我的血验我的DNA,盗取我的精液验我的特异功能。我表示反对,吴仪却冷笑着说是我自找的,是我活该,还骂我是只可以随便踩死的臭虫。 为了夺取我的英文歌曲,希拉里叫来休斯顿、迈克杰克逊、以及英国的憨豆先生、恩雅等等。福田康夫安排人要求我唱用拉丁字母写的日本歌曲,然后礼貌地带人掳走了。马来西亚的朋友阿莫强行要求我用马来语唱了一首赞圣歌。普京没有要求我唱俄语歌曲,可能是因为俄语太难发音了,我一时半会弄不下来,可是他和哈萨克斯坦总统纳扎尔巴耶夫却要求我学习俄语。 此后,我们的党搭起帐篷,让我表演飞行术给他们看,在那个沙漠地区我见到了江泽民、胡锦涛等等。之后,我又飞到了英国见到了查尔斯王子和他的大儿子。在南非见到了曼德拉,他让我给自己做饭吃,我用玉米面做了搅团,还炸了加了蒜的辣椒油,香得一个西装革履的黑人官员躬身连连闻味,赞不绝口。又在梵蒂冈深夜见到了教皇,我用雨水变出了独角兽,吓得教皇跪地求上帝庇护。 不知道又是1999的具体什么时候,希拉里和默克尔带我出现在了科索沃的战场上。他们俩站在比萨式的塔上,让我施展能力,产生了一场沙尘暴。之后,我又被带到了刀光剑影的巴拉斯坦,施展能力引来了一场暴雨,我躲进了以色列的坦克里,查看在路面上刨出来的中国瓷片,却被以色列女兵没收。 在飞越俄罗斯的时候,因为贪图赏景,被俄罗斯侦察机巨大的声响哄下地面。接着又在俄罗斯一个满脸皱纹的农民拿着拾粪的叉子逼迫着进了当地的一处兵营,在逃跑无果,险些出了飞行事故后,又被俄罗斯士兵驾到审问室用英语向普京解释。我说我大意了,飞得太慢才被抓。普京赶到后,我给他唱了一首英文歌曲。最后我被释放。 在北京的校园里,一天晚上,吴仪带来了蔡明和王刚,还让我猜猜看为什么会带他们来见我。我想了想,说这是因为他们俩的身份证上都标的是回族。他们三个人都吃了一惊,王刚本来鞠躬站在吴仪面前,听到后都抬起了脸。蔡明翘着二郎腿坐在走廊里的一把椅子上,她也是一惊,惊讶地说了一句"我说呢!...


One day in the afternoon in 1999, when I returned to  my domitory for my account booklet,  before the door, I heard a woman panting like an animal, so enjoyably loud. I realised that Wu Yi must heen having sexual intercourse with somebody. It was Jilin, my classmate who was along with our communist leader, in trunks, after I opened the door to see. Wu Yi tried to lose temper while arranging her own coat and skirt.  However, she failed to do so and began to explain with a smile, calling their love affair a revenge on my own offender. She knew quite well that Jilin had raped me bitterly and I had been complaining to the authorities in vain. I slapped both of them in the face and left immediately, because the damp air in the room was terribly stink. I have always been calling Wu Yi "Old Bitch", but not because of this encounter. Actually, she had crawled onto my naked body one night after I was poisoned and stripped by Jilin and his chums. Along with her lovers, the old bitc...


评杨振宁:"2015年4月1日我放弃了美国国籍" ——半世英明载誉归,天朝喜得天人怜。金宇藏女驾玉辇,一时腥骚满中华。



Putin's hatred

I had seen Vladimir Putin along with Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel when I was a student at UIBE in 1999. One night when I suggested to be kind to the two women without their husbands nearby, Putin raised a hand against them. Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel were dumbfounded with their mouths opened. However, I was amused. The plot was staged because of my question about Putin's hatred towards "Duschman", a native word of my people, which sounds like Deutschmann in German. Putin said he would be never pleased until there was no "Duschman" on Earth. Putin said it so proudly that Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel remonstrated right away. They exclaimed "Protest!" As soon as I heard that Hillary Clinton failed in her election, I knew the result might be thanks to Vladimir Putin, who should have either started a cyberwar or laid a curse secretly. They hate each other even though they kiss cheeks whenever photographed on a screen.