
Showing posts from 2022

There is a third world war

No real civilization has ever been really realized on earth, but war after avarice, jealousy and hatred, which have always been guiding commoners like us. Those ugly powers have never changed themselves, forever omnipotent and immortal, from generation to generation, and staged a coup after another with the social systems changing to accord with their own needs. They do not care about ordinary people like us. This opion of mine might be offesive to patriotic citizens. However, do you know that coronavirus spread after the demonstration in Hongkong and then Russa invaded Ukraine? Do not expect them to sit down and debate! They are all arragant and ready to shoot at each other. Their atombombs are already in lauch mode.

My prediction about the future in 2022

I do worry about the future of this world, wondering if there will be miracles. After the demonstration in Hongkong started a political suppression in 2019, and after the coronavirus spread across the globe, and after Russia invaded Ukraine, there seems another wars ready to happen. When they take place, in my opinion, there would be more tiny countries popping out around ours, especially in Asia. These countries would get rid of their old traditions as well as political systems, joining into federations like USA. They would speak languages as popular as English. They would adopt immigrants and refugees. Moreover, they would all respect human rights!

Malbonaj homoj kaj la nuboj de milito

De 32 afrikaj landoj 150 maturajn ŝuldojn nuligis Ĉinio en 2009. Ĉi-jare de 23 seninteresan kredon 17 afrikajn landojn liberigos Ĉinio. Tamen estas multaj ĉina homoj mokantaj la registaron en Interreto. Ili diris: "Ĉu ni vere estas tiom riĉa?" Intertempe, multaj registroj ne plu provizos Ĉinion per malkompensebla helpo. Ekde la unua de decembro 2021, EU, UK kaj Kanado jam malmendis la situacio de la plej privilegiita lando por Ĉinio.  La 49-jaran ekonomian helpon al Ĉinio ankaŭ jam nuligis Japanio. Tamen, tio ne estas la plej kolera aferoj de ĉina internetoj, sed ke Pakistano implementis liberan medikamenton ekde ĉi-jaro. Kiel ni ĉiuj scias, tio estas komprenebla fakto, ke estas tre multekosta vidi kuraciston en Ĉinio. Post kvardek jaroj de reformo kaj malfermo, Ĉinio iĝis la sola sep landoj en la mondo sen libera medikamento. Ĉu liberado de Tajvano povas pli fortigi nin? En la estonteco, kiel Ĉinio developas por profiti la landon kaj la popolon? Ni ĉiuj estas depresitaj.

China dreams for ruling the whole world

Can you accept a world with China dropping orders? In order to achieve this dream, China has been waiting for Soviet Union to disintegrate. In 1969, Chinese captured an island from Russians, and changed its name from Damanski to Zhen Bao. After the brotherhood was ruined, in 1979, China leaned to USA, even though both sides had experienced a bitter war in Korea from 1950 to 1953. Everything has seemed good till a financial war between Beijing and Washington broke out in 2017 when President wanted to make America great again, and in 2019, with the democrats roaring waves in Hong Kong, China released "by accident" a dangerous virus from one of its P4 laboratories in Wu Han, which is covid19. By now, can you believe that China started off another war with a virus? Moreover, can you name all the viruses besides covid19 that has come out recently? Are you sick of monkeypox? Actually, it was in UIBE in 1999 that I had warned Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel of the danger of inviti...

Centralization of state power leads to failure of a country

The MRNA vaccine reminds me of the difference between USA and China. By now, in March, 2022, China has not been able to produce any, even though its inactivity vaccine suits the exigency. Why is it so?

China wants to be number one

It takes time to understand why the Chinese would fight against any complaint about their culture or tradition with blows. First, they are egicentric. Due to this reason, they can neglect anyone while speaking loudly in public without any sense of altruism. They would talk like advertising in a shopping mall, yelling, laughing, arguing. Secondly, they are conceited. Their so-cald 5000 years old culture makes certain people believe that the longevity of their culture is not a coincidence, but an absolute success over others. This confidence leads to the fact that there are many advocating the education of the complex form of Chinese characters. Thirdly, they are duplicitous. They are seldom friendly to strangers at home; however, beyond the seas, they would present neighbours with cakes,  feasts and even parties. Recently, they are complaining Ronald Wilson Reagan and his policy to HIV during his presidency in USA, in order to compensate the loss of fame in case of Covid19. Now, I w...

My fear about an atomic attack after the infection of Covid-19

Is it ironic that certain elites of humans tried to use democracy to change the devils, but only found that the devils have been using covid-19 to change our world? Where we go, there is anger with exhaustion, especially towards Chinese-looking asians, who seem the snowflakes of an avalanche, all guilty without one left innocent. I feel depressed every minute while thinking of any potential atomic attack that might be launched due to the revenge after the huge death of the infection. This fear is so hopeless that I have to write and beg for mercy. Please pardon our birth in this country.  

An embarrassment in the system of distribution

The devil dances in empty pockets, which may be known to only you and me, but not necessarily the ones in charge of the power. The reason is that if such a crime happens in a poverty-stricken country, nobody would pay attention to the thieves; however, if certain security guards are involved in such cases, everyone would call it a scandal, because it means abject poverty. Recently, I encountered three cases where some guards encroached upon students' properties in the university where I work. The guards received a wage of about 300 dollars respectively, which is equal to the local minimum living guarantee standard in China. After an informal judgment, along with the guards, everyone felt embarrassed when the criminal cases were defined, which led to their resignation. Their cases also raised a widespread question ---- are the guards really poor? Anyone who tried to answer it could only stammer out a "Maybe". Surely, it is hard to say something when you know there is somet...

The reason why the Chinese hate the Hui people --- Dungan revolt

Dungan revolt 皇汉后裔 皇汉后裔 2009-05-11 18:58:46 Dungan revolt  Date 1862-1877  Location China  Result Victory by the Qing dynasty Fall of the Kashgaria Weakening of the Qing Dynasty Immigration of Huis to Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.    Belligerents   Qing Empire  Kashgaria  Commanders  Zuo Zongtang, Dolongga Yakub Beg, Ma Hualong  Casualties and losses   several million, including civilians and soldiers  The Dungan Revolt was a religious war in 19th-century China. It is also known as the Hui Minorities' War and the Muslim Rebellion. The term is sometimes used to refer to the Panthay Rebellion in Yunnan as well. It was an uprising by members of the Hui and other Muslim ethnic groups in China's Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia provinces, as well as in Xinjiang, between 1862 and 1877. The purpose of this uprising was to develop a Muslim country on the western bank of the Yellow River (Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia (excluding t...