Weird food preference of Chinese

There is a weird food preference prevailing throughout the history of China. Besides dogs, snakes and other animals, which westerners have criticized bitterly for eating, some organs are also popular in the kitchens of some Chinese. Human placentas, preserved soon after childbirth, are used for both food and medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the female organs could provide nutrients and health benefits for new mothers. The trade in human placentas is banned in China, but the black market is alive and well, with sellers saying they can easily earn 100,000 yuan (US$14,500) a month, according to The Beijing News. More embarrassingly, animal genitals are from time to time in the shopping lists of certain Chinese. The consume of sexual organs is believed to be an expression of reproduction worship. Reportedly, the most famous European who had eaten dog meat was Charlie Chaplin. During a meal in Shanghai in 1936, he was curious about the flavor of the meat and asked hi...