
Showing posts from March, 2016


中国人推崇功名利禄,不可能放弃既定的地位,而为了公平,去和别人竞聘,或者“以考代评”。这个道理就像习近平不可能和马英九同台竞选一样。当今中国,所谓教授,所谓博士生,还不都是些善于玩政策的人。玩不转这套吃人的规则,你有真才实学,你不符合人家定的规则,或者人家没有用你的政策,甚至没有用你的想法的话,你还不是只能怨天尤人了。活该生在了中国,难有“美国梦”的好事! 在中国,你玩不转这套吃人的规则,你难有中国梦!领导都说了:“人是社会性动物,和你想的不一样!”你想的是,凭自己的本事,按照自己的贡献,领取一定的报酬;可是你没有想想,领导怎么办,他们是不是都去喝西北风。你有这种倾向,你再有本事,领导不用你,活活憋死你!

Hillary Clinton, an old bitch

In 1999, at UIBE, University of International Business and Economics, Wu Yi, the "iron lady" by Chinese media, succeeded in making a bitch out of Hillary Clinton, who I caught sight of masturbating a naked roommate of mine on my entering the dormitory. On the spot, I stopped her and slapped her so bitterly that she wore sun glasses the next time to hide from my glower. I knew it was sex bribery that our red aristocrat, Wu Yi, had provided her with. Hillary Clinton accepted it and turned out to be a real bitch before me. Now to cap it all, from the Chinese media, "Hillary Clinton is extremely lustful and has a history of making love with five men in one day!" said by qwe1234 at on 2015/10/19 16:57:48. What would happen to this world, if Hillary Clinton becomes president of USA? She is so disgusting!  

The Chinese Economic Crisis of 2016

As what I had told to Mr. Ouyang Daobing (欧阳道冰), the Chinese commercial counsellor to Uganda, when I met him in 2014, there is a serious economic crisis in China from 2015 to 2017, with the culmination in July of 2016. As the writing on the wall becomes clearer, "China's exports saw their heaviest fall in nearly seven years in February", said by Benjamin Carlson. Will the economic crisis challenge the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party? It may not, if reforms and higher spending could come true. However, this economic crisis has given us a hint about the duration of this biggest government. According to statistics, there is only 28 years left before its collapse. In other words, maximumly 28 years later, in 2044 exactly, the Chinese Communist Party will step off the stage of history when the economic growth falls down to zero.