In 1999, at UIBE, University of International Business and Economics, Wu Yi, the "iron lady" by Chinese media, succeeded in making a bitch out of Hillary Clinton, who I caught sight of masturbating a naked roommate of mine on my entering the dormitory. On the spot, I stopped her and slapped her so bitterly that she wore sun glasses the next time to hide from my glower. I knew it was sex bribery that our red aristocrat, Wu Yi, had provided her with. Hillary Clinton accepted it and turned out to be a real bitch before me. Now to cap it all, from the Chinese media, "Hillary Clinton is extremely lustful and has a history of making love with five men in one day!" said by qwe1234 at on 2015/10/19 16:57:48. What would happen to this world, if Hillary Clinton becomes president of USA? She is so disgusting!