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累死累活不挣钱, 掐分省厘还欠款。 点点滴滴为养老, 前遮后掩怕眼馋。


红色贵族官二代,老子江山儿子做。 人民公仆我选我,天朝禅让书记大。


世界各地都有唐人街,中华大地只能一族占。贪婪阴毒妄称文明国,吝啬卑鄙吹嘘礼仪邦。 -- 发自我的网易邮箱手机智能版




虽然中国有五十六个民族,虽然中国历代都有人宣传各民族平等,虽然中国建立了众多的民族自治区,自治州,自治县,但是人人心里都明白,在这个日趋全球化的时代,中国人的精神境界其实还停留在封建帝王般扩疆拓土的状态。中国人容不得少数民族,只要敢抬头,敢闹事,敢独立,就让他们认识一下什么叫枪杆子里出政权,什么叫"多数人"对于"少数人"的"暴政"就是"民主",让你有口难辩,真正能做到打烂牙让你往肚子里吞!中国搞民族自治,主要是为了国际宣传,为了获得民主国家的认可,目的不是让少数民族真正得到政治、经济、文化等方面的独立自主权。少数民族必须说汉语,即便你能证实多少年之前你的祖先建立过什么国家,有过什么文化。既然现在你的地盘都在中国的管辖内,是中国"神圣不可分割"的一部分,那么你的就是我的,我的就是你的,所以你就必须说汉语,听我的话。成为中国的省,是中国解决与其他敌对国家的最仁慈的方式,否则就像蒙古人一样屠城,你愿意吗? 生活在中国,如果和中国人吃不到一起,喝不到一起,玩不到一起,他们就认为你还不如死了算了。这就是中国人的潜规则!中国的潜规则比法律还有效,善于玩规则的人触犯了法律,都能通过上下疏通关系,为自己的罪行开脱;如果触犯了他们的规则,即便没有到犯法的地步,你不懂得关系的厉害,你一样会死得很惨。即便是"自己人",也不一定都是玩规则的高手。中国的自杀率全世界第一,不管是什么原因造成的,高自杀率说明了他们内部也是矛盾重重,不会玩规则的人大有人在。潜规则无处不在,举手投足都有规则,人人都在营造自己的利益圈子,确定自己的社会地位。其结果就是中国的腐败是全民性的。在中国人看来,能玩在一起的都是自己人,其余的都是外人,而且外人就是敌人。对待外人,人人得而诛之;对待自己人,利益共享。外人的劳动成果,智力成果,只要能摄取到,都成了自己人的。外人想在自己人的圈子里得到一点名誉,门都没有! 活在中国,我感觉不到亲情,只感觉到阵阵寒意;在这样的一个国家,少数民族有机会再活一千年,也是外人。你有再好的发明创造,你改不掉少数民族的特点的话,你只有被抢劫,被强奸的命运。时时刻刻都想离开,可哪里是乐土呢?  

Civilization needs migration

When Greece started evacuation of 6,000 refugees from islands per EU deal, the news reminded me of the great minds that have shaped modern humans, such as Aristotle to the Europeans, Confucious to the Chinese, Muhammed to the Arabians. These mighty ancestors indirectly determined even the destiny of each person living in all countries. When the Syrian refugees bring up a topic, the Prophet Muhammed was a insuperable giant to focus on in any disputation about his teaching and religion, for he had set rules that can hardly be challenged with a minimum change. Since the tradition from our ancestors is hard to transform, migration becomes so necessary that it is revolution in a peaceful way. Throughout history, migration has been creating more chances as well as choices to succeed; moreover, it has been providing with different life styles from the ones only allowed in the old world. When the Syrian refugees came to Europe, there appeared a new chance for both the refugees and the Europ...


中国人推崇功名利禄,不可能放弃既定的地位,而为了公平,去和别人竞聘,或者“以考代评”。这个道理就像习近平不可能和马英九同台竞选一样。当今中国,所谓教授,所谓博士生,还不都是些善于玩政策的人。玩不转这套吃人的规则,你有真才实学,你不符合人家定的规则,或者人家没有用你的政策,甚至没有用你的想法的话,你还不是只能怨天尤人了。活该生在了中国,难有“美国梦”的好事! 在中国,你玩不转这套吃人的规则,你难有中国梦!领导都说了:“人是社会性动物,和你想的不一样!”你想的是,凭自己的本事,按照自己的贡献,领取一定的报酬;可是你没有想想,领导怎么办,他们是不是都去喝西北风。你有这种倾向,你再有本事,领导不用你,活活憋死你!

Hillary Clinton, an old bitch

In 1999, at UIBE, University of International Business and Economics, Wu Yi, the "iron lady" by Chinese media, succeeded in making a bitch out of Hillary Clinton, who I caught sight of masturbating a naked roommate of mine on my entering the dormitory. On the spot, I stopped her and slapped her so bitterly that she wore sun glasses the next time to hide from my glower. I knew it was sex bribery that our red aristocrat, Wu Yi, had provided her with. Hillary Clinton accepted it and turned out to be a real bitch before me. Now to cap it all, from the Chinese media, "Hillary Clinton is extremely lustful and has a history of making love with five men in one day!" said by qwe1234 at on 2015/10/19 16:57:48. What would happen to this world, if Hillary Clinton becomes president of USA? She is so disgusting!  

The Chinese Economic Crisis of 2016

As what I had told to Mr. Ouyang Daobing (欧阳道冰), the Chinese commercial counsellor to Uganda, when I met him in 2014, there is a serious economic crisis in China from 2015 to 2017, with the culmination in July of 2016. As the writing on the wall becomes clearer, "China's exports saw their heaviest fall in nearly seven years in February", said by Benjamin Carlson. Will the economic crisis challenge the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party? It may not, if reforms and higher spending could come true. However, this economic crisis has given us a hint about the duration of this biggest government. According to statistics, there is only 28 years left before its collapse. In other words, maximumly 28 years later, in 2044 exactly, the Chinese Communist Party will step off the stage of history when the economic growth falls down to zero.

My teacher's Robbery on Me

This is not a fairy tale, but a true story in which my teacher robbed me of my ideas along with his English people. As a college teacher of mine in 1999, Dr Trevor Grimshaw, from University of Bath, proved himself to be another robber from Britain, who was always collecting our ideas with a notebook rather than our properties that his predecessors had done during the opium war of 1840-42. He was curious about everything concerning language learning, so that he had uncovered my schoolbag to check out the list of my linguistic materials once when I caught him red handed coming back from the washroom near his classroom. The biggest theft he had committed was my loss to the invention of mind map which Tony Buzan claimed to be the author. It is evil enough to give me heartache on thinking. When the reference to mind map emerged on internet, I realized that I could never occupy the invention of mind map, thanks to our leaders, the Chinese Government. Without any official pretection from...

Big Ladies' curses

It is hard to carry many secrets so long since my graduation from college, where Wu Yi had bothered me with the exact cause to trigger the Wen Chuan earthquake. Naively, I asked her to persuade the Chinese government for a reward, which, less expensive than King Solomon's crown, she called "real cheapy", though. On hearing my request, she pointed at me and shouted out a curse: "If death is not the punishment on you, you have to suffer from it alive!" Actually, this so-called "iron lady", popular in China but an "iron Mary" to me, was not the only one who had exhausted me. Her "strategic partner", Hillary Clinton also treated me like a whipping boy, and, once due to an unhappy negotiation with Wu Yi, cast her own curse: "Shame on your country!" There is another "Big Lady" who I do not know very well, nor do I like. She is Li Lanqing. She had ever evaluated me by saying: "The most impetuous madcap!...

Vote for Hillary

In 2014, when I worked in Uganda, a woman from Kosovo said Hillary Clinton was a heroine at Kosovo, with a statue erected in the center. What an exaggeration Hillary had made, I thought, when I recalled I met Hillary Clinton in Beijing. In 1999, she went to my school to see my magic, due to which UK Parliament had almost ensured her that I was an alien. However, she called me bitch after my boyfriend forced a kiss from me several steps away from herself. As a revenge, I abused her bitterly with all the scandels and slanders I had been infused with by the media. As a result, she lost her air and became crestfallen. I was amused to see her wearing a pair of sunglasses even in the evening. When Angela Merkel wondered if I could fly, I begged Hillary to allow me to help USA peace down the Kosovo War with the power that Adolf Hitler had sent for in Tibet during the second war. Even though Vladimir Putin resist my proposal, we, Hillary, Angela and me, flied to Kosovo. Following Hillary's...


吴老太太要什么有什么,都是纳税人在无私供养,再说无儿无女,还跟我要,说什么"你能给我什么?"实在是让我摸不着北;稍稍多想,让人恶心,给你一巴掌!她不怕我出书立传,不怕我写文章揭露,她跳着骂:"我日你妈,谁敢?!你活罪难逃!" 我迷迷糊糊被他们押倒了宫里,押进了中*南*海。那里面真是遮天避日,幽静寒凉,看得见红墙黄瓦,听得见车行笛鸣,就是没有天地良心!我被架了土飞机,被两个当兵的提着走;走到路上,突然看见路中间有个三四米深的方坑,我高喊:"吴老太太,你快了看,这是什么?" 吴老太太一路小跑,急不可耐,里外查看,然后冷嘲热讽地说道:"看你妈的比!"一条蛇一样的怪物爬了出来,竟然把她吓得坐到了地上。当兵的立刻丢下我,持枪瞄准。 那怪物叫"Vikto",是我证明自己本事的东西。我要求能把汶川地震的研究权交给我,然后党能以国相报酬谢我,支付我十二亿人民币做奖金。她却说要把荣誉留给自己的人,听到我要了十二亿就骂我"真贱!" 吴老太太时常惊讶,面对她我竟然坦然自若,她就喊"你知道我是谁?";这时我就说:"你是邻家老太太。"她也不忘面带笑容,不过有股油腥味;我问她怎么笑起来怎么象个男人,她大惊失色,端起右手,食指就象响尾蛇的尾巴上下翻飞,恶狠狠甚至是慢条斯理地骂到:"你这个婊子,你别当我不知道你的事!" 我一心做科学家的梦泡汤了。看来所谓的中国梦是不允许有外来户的。谁让我不是汉民呢。 紧接着我就见到了胡老爷,他也问我能给他什么,他把我问得笑了起来:你都做了皇帝,要什么有什么,还跟我要,我能有什么?!他带我见了钱学森,以试真伪。钱老坐在床上,他的房子就象宇宙飞船,八面玲珑,面面都是透明的玻璃窗,毫无遮掩之意。我的话把他也逗乐了,惹得胡总不高兴,扭头直瞪我。我问钱老怎么一直没有换房子,我说他这样做对不起天下老九:他钱老可是立规矩的人,他自己这样省吃俭用也就算了,以后当权的人都按这样的标准对待老九,我们就惨了! 我的几句歪诗,几首烂歌,这些慈母慈父们都没有放过,全部不是我的了,网上一查,全被瓜分了;几首英文歌送给了Hilary Clinton,让她带了回去,Ennya唱的Only Time就是我的...

The meeting with a commercial counsellor

On an afternoon in May, in 2014, at the International Airport of Uganda, I had a conversation with Mr. Ouyang Daobing (欧阳道冰), the Chinese commercial counsellor to Uganda, who was there to receive his daughter and nephew. He was quite sociable with a smiling face. After a short questioning about my purpose of working in Uganda, he asked me if I had ever enjoyed any period of happy life. I told him that I had actually suffered from a crisis on 10th May, 2008, just one day before the Wen Chuan Earthquake took place, when I shared the news with more than 200 students of mine and all my colleagues.On hearing this, he had a twist in his expression, looking like dumbfounded. Then he put on airs leaning backwards, and challenged me with one more prediction about China. I told him there would happen an economic crisis from 2015 to 2017, with the culmination in July, in 2016. "What are the results of the economic crisis?" he continued. "There will be a devaluation of RMB along wit...

The economic crisis of 2016

The biggest threat of China in 2016 is an economic crisis, which will come to culmination in July this year. The depression might pass through peacefully if the Chinese government could divide the national wealth among the commoners rather than irritate them to resist with any wrong policy. If there is one evil enough to worsen this recession, it is the inheritance tax that has provoked critisim across China. "Under the latest revised version of the proposal for inheritance tax, the cut-off amount for inheritance tax is 800,000 yuan (HK$1.01 million), and net successions of 5 million, 10 million, and 30 million yuan will be subject to tax amounts of 840,000 yuan, 2.09 million yuan, and 10.34 million yuan respectively." Under this proposed law:"A hardworking couple, with the help of both sets of their parents and a 30-year mortgage, finally bought a house. After 30 years, the mortgage is paid off, and after another 30 years, the couple passes away, and their child inherit...