
Showing posts from May, 2015

An economic prediction

Ever since April 2015, there have been enought cries and hurray along with the stock market turbulence. In my office, the temperamental turbulence makes many stockholders restless like an ant on a hot pan. They have rushed into the stock market since 2008 with a dream of being parvenus over one night. At this point, the unpredictable undulation of stock trading implies an economic crisis, which is the conviction of some economists who hold a negative attitude towards the financial tendency of China. In their opinion, the crisis might last from 2015 through 2017.

The Graphic Topology of Linguistics


My Understanding of the Chinese Friendship

In China, there has never existed any concept of friendship, which is so plain and rather evident. It is supplanted by "Guan Shi", which is nice and abstract to the "pragmatic" Chinese people. "Guan Shi" is relationship in English, and an unspoken rule in China. It has nothing to do with bribery originally, but ultimately it takes root in bribery and becomes prosperous among the Chinese at all levels. The average of the Chinese make it a rule to give and take small gifts. If anyone ignores the importance of their "etiquette", they would pull a long face at the minimum; and at the maximum, in the case that you request them for a favor, they would quarrel and even fight with you, calling you names! It is not necessary to bribe them all the time. However, it is significent to smoothen relationship frequently, because "Guan Shi" goes sour quickly in China! What a Chinese might give in order to be "friendly" are...

The stupid war with a stupid excuse

It is difficult to keep silent with some Chinese without complaining about their racist attitude towards all the islamic groups of people dwelling in China. It is extremely annoying when they mention the Shan Gan Hui Uprising that took place between 1862 and 1873, and label the Chinese Hui ethnic minority as "thieves"! The riot started due to a disputation between a Hui man who refused to change the price of the bamboos sold by a Chinese man, and the Chinese man's father who refused to sell his bamboos cheaply. A mishap exploded when Zuo Zongtang and his fellow officials misjudged the case and the following pretest, convicting the whole Hui people of rebellion, stigmatizing Hui as thieves. Zuo Zongtang waged a war on Hui people. Under his command, the Chinese army carried out a bloody purge of all the islamic peoples including Hui. The survivals of the war fled into the mountainous northwest of China and certain foreign countries like Kazakhstan. It is cruel of the Chines...


电视剧《于无声处》最近还在热播。我发现主人公马东家的客厅里,靠近餐桌背后的墙上,尽然挂的是穆斯林用来装饰用的小挂毯;绿底金字,可把我吓着了!这是说谁呢,这主人公到底是谁?含沙射影! 想想片子里的几个人物:马东、马承志、陈其乾。如果把这三个人物合起来,指的是谁呀?把一个人,按能力分成了马东、马承志,按阵营分成了马东、陈其乾,按血缘分成了马承志、陈其乾。 我希望这个社会还能给我一丝温暖,让我还能有点用武之地!我现在不是被你们弄成了安保人员了吗?!我还能干什么?是不是看看门,值值班,发发牢骚,也能把你们弄得不自在?


人事处原处长马玉龙对我不吃不喝感到不快,气不过,牛气哄哄地说:"人是社会性动物,和你想的不一样!" 当下,就算是在学校,只要大小是个官,就敢这样张口要,闭口拿;这帮贪官,一个个脂肪肝、糖尿病、心脏病,还不自律,想拿就拿,想吃就吃。这些狗官就是遭贼入室盗窃,也不敢深究深查,就怕说不出家中的古玩字画是哪里来的,反被当局当受贿查办了。 他们尸位素餐,酒囊饭袋,无德无能。凭什么他们能当官,凭什么他们整天无忧无虑无所事事,凭什么他们天南地北地旅游、公款考察?这些人, 他们张嘴,就是标准,就是法规,就是校纪校规;让他们做做我们的工作,他们会什么,什么都不会!他们每天的闲来无事,就琢磨怎么升官发财,怎么勾心斗角,怎么祸害一方! 事业单位早应该改革,好让我们这些"胸无大志"的书呆子能换换环境,免受狗官们的虐待,甚至被蚕食的命运。最大的大官,你就快点改革吧!